Classe rousse à La ferme du Pré

6th D students went on to integrate class Vassieux-en-Vercors. The first day, after a one-hour ride, they visited the farm Laton they relate goats, piglets and worn tried to spot rabbits in the dark.
This active and noisy visit ended on a good taste country.
The next day, they took advantage of a hike to visit a sled dog park, in operation throughout the year because there are wheeled sleds off-road. A highlight of emotions and caresses!
Then back at the house, they realized a sketch of the landscape of Vassieux Valley and made plays.
The next morning they went to explore the forest with an NFB guide, taking with them samples of leaves or cones.
Each evening was well animated (slideshow or party). It was a productive stay, the students returned on Friday with beautiful memories for life!
Special Envoys on site Emma G. Clement and D.