Leaders board games for 5th

JEUX-D~1Nous voici parties dans une aventure un peu folle avec les 5B et les 5C … Qu’ils deviennent artisans de paix en animant à 3 un jeu de société !

Quésaquo ? (more)

L’Enfant d’Eléphant

106[1]Les élèves de l’Ulis, mis en scène par Marie-Christine TOUTAIN aidée de Sandrine, Auxiliaire de Vie Scolaire, nous ont présenté un magnifique spectacle inspiré de l’œuvre de R. Kipling : l’Enfant d’Eléphant. Eléphants, girafes, autruchechacun incarnait un animal grâce à des costumes évocateurs et à des masques très ingénieux. Tous les midis de la semaine dernière, les collégiens ont pu assister à la représentation et la dernière a été jouée vendredi soir devant les parents fiers et émus. Bravo à tous pour ce très joli moment.

Initiation au Taï-Chi

107[1]Le taÏ-chi a eu lieu dans l’herbe fraîche du Rondeau, les élèves de 5ème ont pu apprécier ( ou pas !) 1h d’initiation donnée par un moniteur. Cet art martial chinois permet de se détendre, de se concentrer, de respirer.ZEN attitude..les professeurs des classes concernées ont-ils vu un changement dans le comportement de leurs élèves?

Eli raconte la classe de découverte des 6°C

We went to class discovery at the Old Mill for three days.

Les chemins de la Paix

On Ways of peace: parallel to the work undertaken by the 5th of professors, all college students are invited to join the Interactive exhibition installed in CDI.
One word / topic will be proposed every seven weeks; every week, an autonomous activity around the word will result in the creation of a puzzle piece. At the end of session, the pieces thus created will be associated. At year end we will have, piece by piece, the reconstituted giant puzzle, "Flower of Hope". The word of October “Tolérance”

Week-end MEJ

Saturday, September 22, we go, 4 young Rondeau with Mej "a pilgrimage" to Our Lady of La Salette in the diocesan pilgrimage and the sun, even if it is already in our hearts, help us much in our approach ...
Saturday 15h, it shows its face ... and start walking 12 Mejistes and 6 animators to the sanctuary that is an hour and a half walking, walking to live friendship, trust and discover the signs of God's presence in (more)

Classe rousse à La ferme du Pré

6th D students went on to integrate class Vassieux-en-Vercors. The first day, after a one-hour ride, they visited the farm Laton they relate goats, piglets and worn tried to spot rabbits in the dark.
This active and noisy visit ended on a good taste country.
The next day, they took advantage of a hike to visit a sled dog park, in operation throughout the year because there are wheeled sleds off-road. A highlight of emotions and caresses!
Then back at the house, they realized a sketch of the landscape of Vassieux Valley and made plays.
The next morning they went to explore the forest with an NFB guide, taking with them samples of leaves or cones.
Each evening was well animated (slideshow or party). It was a productive stay, the students returned on Friday with beautiful memories for life!
Special Envoys on site Emma G. Clement and D.

Les 6° A en classe d’insertion

This year, in late September, the 6th A have spent 3 days at Romeyère pass to get to know.
On the program: walk (! Rainy, but the kids were very brave) in search of traces of animal life, archery, activities Prehistory, land art, disguised race ...
Everyone was delighted with the 3 days!

SELF : la nectarine à l’honneur

As part of Elior project to favor purchases support of sustainable development, short chains and direct purchases from producers, local daily product is nectarine.
It comes from the family business family Monteux Mas Saint Paul's Land MOURIES Crau in Provence Alpilles.
No doubt these will nectarines taste the sun in the region and the passion of its producers.

Fin de scolarité au collège pour les 3°

On their last day schoolboy at Rondeau, and before the tests of Brevet, students in all 3 picnicking around the gym where they stayed all afternoon to enjoy one last time sports spaces.
A beautiful sunny afternoon that will remain in their memories!